Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Thevetia
Species: Thevetia ahouai
Common Names: huevos de perro, cojon de miko, dog's balls, ix akitz, ankitz, yellow oliander.
Parts Used: Fruit, Seeds
PLANT DESCRIPTION | Documented Properties & Actions: | A Medicine from the sap can be used to treat toothaches and skin sores. Like the related Huevos de Caballo, Huevos de Chucho can also be used to kill botfly larvae.
| Plant Chemicals Include:
Medicinal Uses: Members of this genus used medicinally,
particularly A. reticulata L. Seeded are crushed and applied to the scalp to treat head lice, dandruff. The
treatment is wrapped and left in place for 8 or 10 hours. Raw foot applied as a poultice to make boils form
a head to be lanced and purified. Leaves applied to soles of feet or applied to forehead, temples to lower
fever, cooling. Leaves also applied to temples, forehead where ever the headaches. Macerated bark mixed
with a little salt and used under a tight wrap for breaks, sprains. In Belize and the Yucatan leaves are decocted
with sugar and taken as a cough syrup.
Thevetia ahouai is a small three or shrub, growing up to eight meters in height with a smooth greyish bark. In Panama this species can be found growing in the lowlands in dry to humid tropical areas, where it is commonly seen as secondary-growth vegetation. Occurs from Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela. In Panama it can be found pretty much throughout the country.
The species can be used as an ornamental, bright yellow flowers give off a subtle scent. Bright red fruit are interesting. When cut the leaves and bark exude a milky white sap which can cause irritation when coming in contact with the skin. The fruit can be used as poison. The plant must have additional significant ethnobotanical uses.
Other uses:
The wood is light and not very durable. It has been used in Colombia for pipestems and barrelstaves.